Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well, I had an interview on Friday at Apple One in Orange. I felt really confident with the lady who would be representing me as a potential employee. I hope I can find some work out in the Orange County area because, if I can, then my step-mother would be able to get me free classes at the college she teaches at, which would be wonderful to finally be able to get back into school! And, since it's a university, I would be able to go further with my language studies... *crosses fingers*
But, I am not discounting work in the LA area, either... beggers can't be choosers. I got my first Unemployment check today... and sent in the mail for my second check. This one was just one week's worth, and if they don't send me my next check before the month is over, I might have to ask for help paying rent :(
I'm sure all will work out... I'm staying as positive as I can...

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